Here are some audio highlights from the English service at Nakabango Lutheran Church, Jinja District, Uganda, today.  Pastor Jacob Mueller preached the sermon on Mark 1:29-39, with Pastor Benard serving as interpreter in the Lusoga language.  Unfortunately, the recording of the sermon did not turn out.  As you listen, please remember that there is no instrumental accompaniment of any kind.  Order of Service was the Lutheran Hymnal, p.15. If you don't have time to listen to all of these, I suggest you listen to the ones with an asterisk (*).  Pastor Mueller.


Opening Hymn:  "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty," TLH #39


Confession of Sins, Kyrie, Gloria in Excelsis, Collect


*Hymn:  "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," TLH 457


Epistle, Gospel, and Nicene Creed:


Hymn:  "O Jesus, King of Glory" TLH 130


*Hymn:  "Our God, Our Help, in Ages Past," TLH 123


*Song to Introduce the Prayer of the Church:  "May the Spirit of the Lord Come Down as We Pray"


*Hymn to Introduce the Communion Liturgy:  "O Day of Rest and Gladness"


Communion Liturgy--Sanctus:  


Communion Liturgy--Agnus Dei (Lamb of God):


Spontaneous Communion Hymn:  "Just as I Am" TLH 388:


*Closing Hymn:  "Onward Christian Soldiers" TLH 658